Published Fiction and Poetry

I’ve had several short stories and poems published in literary journals and anthologies.

The Written Across the Genres Anthology
Fifty-Fifty is a short story of a woman escaping a bad situation, deciding whether to get into another.
An excerpt of Semper is also in this anthology.
The Extinct Doesn’t Mean Forever Anthology (out of print)
Distractions is a humorous short story of a couple who is reminded of what’s really
important while on holiday.
The Facing The Sun Anthology
I have two poems in this anthology, Connections and Finding Contentment.
The anthology raises money to help a dear writer friend who has suffered high medical
costs due to health problems.
Thereby Hangs a Tale
This journal lasted only two issues but had some really awesome work in it.
My story, Golden Advice, is an embellished true vignette of some good
advice I got when I went off to college (the issue’s theme was “expatriate”).
The First Line
This journal provides the first line; my story, Saved, is about
a young person’s depression following a tragic loss.
This journal provides a theme on which all submissions must be based.
My story, Joseph’s Mother, is about a doomed love discovered
under the worst of circumstances.
I have one humorous poem in this journal on the theme of superstition.
The 2009 San Francisco Writers Conference Anthology
My story in this anthology, Thirty-Five Across, is about a second chance.
The 2010 San Francisco Writers Conference Anthology (out of print)
I have a humorous poem in this anthology.
Much light verse on my old blog

In addition, I won the January, 2009 flash fiction contest at the Clarity of Night blog, was selected Readers’ Choice in the July, 2009 flash fiction contest at the same blog, and had a third story selected for mention in a ByLine Magazine contest.